8, 15, 22 & 29  Oct ’22

Sexual healing

Shedding the layers

4 week Live online tantric journey – 8, 15, 22 & 29 Oct ’22

Sexual healing: Shedding the layers

In this profound 4 week inner Sexual Healing Journey we’ll work on Reclaiming our Bodies and Pure sexual life force.

Our sexual life force is pure creation energy, and one of the energies that has been most damaged, distorted and made into something obscene through mainstream pornography as well as societal conditioning.

Healthy sexual energy flows freely as it expands and travels throughout the energetic and physical bodies. When there are contractions or knots in the flow of sexual energy symtoms of discomfort,numbness, low libido and lower satisfaction with sex and intimacy are felt.

In this online journey we work with a potent mix of various tantric healing tools to shed layers of sexual trauma and conditioning to free up our pure sexual life force essence.

It’s a great way to explore tantra without a partner, rather to connect deeply with yourself, get in touch with your own sexual life force energy and cultivate a sacred relationship with it.

This will help you:

Meet your (hidden) pain & trauma with self-compassion and love

Release energetic blocks, stuck emotions & layers of shame, trauma and conditioning around sexuality
Awaken your pure flowing sexual life force essence
Empower your voice center to speak your Truth & boundaries
Open the tantric energy channels in your body
Nourish the nervous system with tantric energy flow
Move from stuckness to Expansion
Reclaim your orgasmic nature & aliveness

This is for you if you want to empower yourself in:

𓍴  Speaking up your boundaries, or even knowing your boundaries

𓍴  Accessing your own wisdom to heal your traumas, or trauma inherited from your parents/ancestors

𓍴  Dealing with consequences of sexual or physical abuse

𓍴  Expanding your toolkit in Tantra & sexual healing


Tools & Practices we’ll use :

𓆃 Tantric Breathwork & Yoga

𓆃 Movement

𓆃 Voice liberation

𓆃 Guided meditation

𓆃 Shakti tantra

𓆃 Conscious (self)-touch & pleasure


Saturdays : 10am – 12pm Amsterdam time/ 4-6pm Bali time

8, 15, 22, & 29 October ’22

Via Zoom**

*Only I will be recorded, not the personal sharings or views of participants. Option to stay anonymous and keep your camera switched off at all times.

**Replays are available in case you can’t attend a session live


𓍴  Sexual Healing & Alchemy

𓍴  Inner Union

𓍴  Empowerment

€ 450  For all 4 weeks, + Replays

€ 720  For couples & all 4 weeks, + Replays


𓍴  Sexual Healing & Alchemy

𓍴  Inner Union

𓍴  Empowerment

€ 450  For all 4 weeks, + Replays

€ 720  Couples


For payment, choose the option you prefer:

Revolut me

Iban: LT943250095670105970
On the name of Kim Xena G Geurts

PayPal me


𓍴  All genders are welcome

𓍴  For this session I invite you to be in a private comfortable space where you can be undisturbed, with a yoga mat, soft pillows and blankets.

𓍴  Feel free to bring power objects that you feel will support your journey (crystals, cards, oils, yoni eggs/wands if you are a person with female genitalia or any other tools you resonate with)

𓍴  Dm me via @xenageorgina (Instagram) or Xena Georgina on FB when you’ve registered and paid.


Will I be recorded during the sessions?

No, I will be the only one that is recorded during the sessions. The personal sharings and questions of participants will not be recorded. If you want to stay ‘anonymous’, you can also always choose to switch your camera off and/or change your Zoom name.

Can I ask questions during and in between sessions?

Yes, you can! I always give space for questions during the sessions. You can also reach out to me with personal questions after or in between sessions if something pops up related to the themes we are covering. I will get back to you in 1-2 working days.

Though I am interested, I don't per se feel like I have a lot of trauma or big issues with myself. Will the program then still be valuable to me?
Definitely! Even if you are feeling amazing, this program will only help you foster an even more magical connection with yourself. Besides that, you will most likely get to know yourself even more intimately and discover parts that you haven’t fully explored before. Also, the toolkit of practices will help you get through some less amazing phases of your life, if they occur. Plus once you are in this sacred container, the space will always support you in the process you need most at this point in your life. Don’t underestimate the power of intention that you put into this 🙂
I feel a call to join but also some resistance or nervousness coming up, what does that mean?
It is very normal to feel resistance, nervousness or even fear when you start something new. Especially when it involves getting out of your comfort zone. Some of the topics and themes we cover will challenge a part of your personality. I invite you to go out of your comfort zone into that growth space where all the magic happens. 
However, I will never ask you to trespass your own boundaries. Please listen to your body, your intuition, and notice where the resistance is coming from: out of a natural fear to grow, or is there a valid boundary to honor? In case of the first, feel the fear, and do it anyways, your Soul will not regret it 😉
Will I be healed after this program?

I can never promise healing to anyone, I can only ensure that the spaces I facilitate support the awakening of your OWN healing powers and wisdom. My intention is to always guide you back home to your innermost self, where all the knowledge and wisdom resides. Which in my view is much more powerful than ‘relying’ on an external healing force. Also, we can never expect to heal big trauma in one session, sometimes it takes time, it is a natural unfolding of.

I'd love to join but I can't afford it.

It may help you to check out our payment plan options. If that is still too little, you can reach out to us and together we can find a solution. Otherwise, you can also check out our lower cost + free offerings that are also highly valuable. To enjoy our free offerings, you can join the FB group here.

Do you offer refunds? What if I can't commit to the program or session after purchasing?

We do not offer refunds. In case of cancellation of participation, it remains your responsibility to make the payment for any outstanding fees in case of payment plan agreement.

More questions?

Feel free to dm me on Instagram (@xenageorgina) or FB (Xena Georgina).

Your Facilitator: Xena Georgina

Creator of Sacred Body, Sacred Life

I’m a modern day tantric ceremonialist on a mission to serve Sacred Love & Sacred Sexuality, in whatever way that wants to be expressed through the unique vessel of every human being.

Super passionate about bringing sacredness back to everything we do, especially our sexuality, as this is such a pivotal part of who we are and operate in this world.

My background is in psychology and neuropedagogy, but my life transformed when 5 years ago I dived into the teachings of shakti tantra, egyptian alchemy, integral tantric massage, vipassana meditation, and various temple dances. Since then I’ve been on a continuous journey to explore the depths of life and open my body to its mysteries. Meanwhile I’ve held sacred space for hundreds of spiritual souls in their journey back to wholeness, back to the original state of joy, sexual freedom & expansion.

In this work, I especially love to design sacred space, a field where my higher aspects and spiritual team can work through me and hold space for all that needs to come to the surface and heal. For the benefit of all beings.

Your Facilitator: Xena Georgina

Creator of Sacred Body, Sacred Life

I’m a modern day tantric ceremonialist on a mission to serve Sacred Love & Sacred Sexuality, in whatever way that wants to be expressed through the unique vessel of every human being.

Super passionate about bringing sacredness back to everything we do, especially our sexuality, as this is such a pivotal part of who we are and operate in this world.

My background is in psychology and neuropedagogy, but my life transformed when 5 years ago I dived into the teachings of shakti tantra, egyptian alchemy, integral tantric massage, vipassana meditation, and various temple dances. Since then I’ve been on a continuous journey to explore the depths of life and open my body to its mysteries. Meanwhile I’ve held sacred space for hundreds of spiritual souls in their journey back to wholeness, back to the original state of joy, sexual freedom & expansion.

In this work, I especially love to design sacred space, a field where my higher aspects and spiritual team can work through me and hold space for all that needs to come to the surface and heal. For the benefit of all beings.

Contact me here

6 + 9 =

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original photos by pietheinphoto.com