Hi, I’m Xena

Privacy policy

 Privacy Statement :

When you are or have been active on my website, or get in touch with me, you sometimes share personal data & information with me. I handle this information with care and adhere to the applicable laws and regulations. These laws are about storing and using your personal data.

In this privacy statement I explain what information I collect from you and what I do with this information. This privacy statement applies to all interaction between you and Xena Georginal, the way of communication does not matter.

Xena Georgina, located at Satellietbaan 28 in Duivendrecht, is responsible for the processing of the personal data as stated in this privacy statement. You can send questions or comments regarding your privacy to info.xenagi@gmail.com


What is personal data & information?

All data that tells something about you can be used to identify you is personal data. Think for example of your name, your contact or address details and your citizen service number (BSN).

Personal data of persons under the age of 16

I do not intend to process personal data of persons under the age of 16. However, I cannot check whether a visitor to my website and servers is older than 16 years. If you are convinced that I have collected personal information from a minor person without parental or guardian permission, you can contact us via info.xenagi@gmail.com and I will delete this information. If I collect data from persons under the age of 16, this will always be done with the permission of his/her parent or guardian.


When do I process your personal data?

1. To help you if you have questions.

I am happy to help you if you run into something or have a question for me. You can call me,

email or fill out a form on the website. We may also receive your data from third parties in connection with my services. In order to help you further, I save a number of your details. That way I know who you are and I can also find out what we talked about in case there is a next contact moment.

If you have any questions for me, I will store the following information about you:

•           Name

•           E-mail address

•           Your message

Legal basis: legitimate interests


2. To prepare quotes and send them to you.

Before I start working for you, I will of course send you a quote. For this I store the following information about you:

• Name and address data

•           E-mail address

•           Phone number

Legal basis: legitimate interest.


3. To execute an agreement, make notes and/or recordings of coaching conversations and be able to make appointments with you via Calendly or any other online scheduling tool.

If you purchase services from me, you want to be helped well and receive what you have requested. I save the following data for the execution of an agreement:

•           Name and address data

•           E-mail address

•           Phone number

Legal basis: execution of the agreement.


4. To be able to invoice & collect money from you.

The services you purchase must of course also be paid. If you do not do this, I will start a debt collection process. For invoicing & collection, I store the following information about you:

•            Name and address data

•           E-mail address

•           Phone number

•            Company name (optional)

•            Chamber of Commerce number (optional)

Legal basis: legal obligation.


5. To keep you informed of changes in our services.

If I make changes to my services, terms and conditions, privacy statement or other important matters, I will like to inform you. If you agree with this, I will use the following information to process you in my newsletter system:

•           Name

•           E-mail address

Legal basis: execution of the agreement.


6. To send you my newsletters and free giveaways.

If you have indicated to me that you want to receive my newsletter and the free giveaway, I will store the following information about you:

•           Name

•           E-mail address

Legal basis: permission.


7. To register for webinars and to send you information related to my webinars and services.

If you have registered for a webinar, I will send you additional information about it (dates, times, etc.). If you agree with this, I will store the following information about you:

•           Name

•           E-mail address

Legal basis: execution of the agreement.


8. To be able to share your review on my website and/or social media.

If you have sent me a review, I will publish it on my website and/or social media channels. If you agree with this, I will store the following information about you:

•           Name

•            Company name (optional)

Legal basis: permission.


Transfer to partners

I work with various suppliers and partners to carry out my services.

These suppliers & partners include parties that:

• Send my newsletters (Mailchimp)

• Send my mail

• Handling my payments & collections (Mollie)

• Take care of my web hosting

• Provide my webinars

• Manage my online calendar (Simpybook.it)


I have concluded processing agreements and/or confidentiality agreements with sub-processors to ensure the security of your data. I only work with partners who can comply with the GDPR legislation.

Some of my partners are located outside the European Economic Area (the countries within the European Union, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland). Your data can be processed in America and/or other countries where these companies have their cloud storage and have servers and/or backups. I have taken appropriate measures with these partners that have been contractually agreed through a data processing agreement/Data Processing Addendum and these parties have been required to be EU-US Privacy Shield certified. The stricter GDPR is often already signed and effective by most of them. In this way I ensure that your data is well protected.


Transfer to third parties

In principle, I do not share or sell your data with persons or organizations outside Xena Georgina, except with partners as described above. It may also be that I am obliged to provide your data on the basis of a legal obligation.


The security of your data

Xena Georgina has taken appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against misuse, unlawful or unauthorized use and loss. All parties that process your data for me (sub-processors) or who can view (think of employees or hired workers) sign a processing agreement or confidentiality statement.


How long will your data be stored

I use different retention periods for different data flows. Of course you always have the right to request me to delete your data. See also the heading “Your rights”.

 Personal data:

I delete name, address, telephone number and e-mail 1 year after our last contact.


E-mails older than 1 year will be deleted unless they are still relevant for the execution of an agreement or resolving a dispute.

Invoices and quotes:

Invoices and offers are removed after the legal retention period of 7 years. Until then, your data will remain in my billing system.


You can remove your data from my newsletter system at any time.


Your rights

You have the right to view, correct and delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Xena Georgina. You also have the right to data portability. You can send a request for access, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for cancellation of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to info.xenagi@gmail.com.


To ensure that the request for access has been made by you, I ask you to send a copy of your ID with the request. Make your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN) black in this copy. This is to protect your privacy. If your request concerns a cookie, then I ask you to send this too. I will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than within four weeks. Xena Georgina would also like to point out that you have the opportunity to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


Reporting a data breach

If, despite all precautions, a data breach does occur, I will comply with the data breach notification obligation and report this leak, if necessary, within 72 hours after the Dutch Data Protection Authority has identified it. If you discover a data breach, I kindly ask you to share it with me as soon as possible, but in any case within 24 hours after you have discovered the breach, by sending an email to info.xenagi@gmail.com. I can then take immediate action.



This privacy statement only relates to the personal data that Xena Georgina processes for the points discussed in this agreement. Xena Georgina does not accept any responsibility or liability for (the operation and/or content of) websites or services of third parties.


Changes to this statement

The content of this privacy statement can be adjusted at any time by Xena Georgina to respond to new developments in the field of legislation or regulations or changes within my company. You can subscribe to my newsletter where I will keep you informed of any changes.


In any case, I advise you to consult my privacy statement regularly to stay informed of my privacy policy. By continuing to use the services of Xena Georgina after changes, you agree to these changes.



Do you have any further questions or comments? Then you can contact us by email, info.xenagi@gmail.com :


Xena Georgina

Satellietbaan 28

1115VX Duivendrecht


Xena Georgina is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 72627093

VAT nr: NL002522080B32 

Version: September 2022 

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