Serving Love
through sacred
Dance & Sexuality

Serving Love
through sacred
Dance & Sexuality

Serving Love
through sacred
Dance & Sexuality

Coming up next:
Conscious Co-Working – 26 June ’23

Serving Love
through sacred
Dance & Sexuality

Serving Love
through sacred
Dance & Sexuality

Coming up next
Sacred body, sacred life retreat croatia

Hi, I’m Xena 

I’m here to awaken your inner Priest*ess.
I believe we all have access to our higher wisdom to see and create beauty everywhere we go.

In my work as a priestess I’m devoted to serve the healthy flow of our sexuality into the highest expression of our Selves.  Guiding you back to your natural state of joy, sexual freedom & deep soul healing through Sacred Love & Sacred Sexuality. A state where you remember your true beauty and gifts.

Since 2016 I have been creating transformational spaces, live, online & internationally. Weaving dualities of the mystical and the worldly, the multidimensional and the three-dimensional.

My mission is to remind you of your true origins and show you how to dance between the veils. Do you feel the calling to dive deep with me?

Hi, I’m Xena 

Hi, I’m Xena I’m here to awaken your inner priestess & priest/X.
I believe we all have access to our higher wisdom to see and create beauty everywhere we go.

In my work as a priestess I’m devoted to serve the healthy flow of our sexuality into our highest expression of Sacred Love and Sacred Dance. Guiding you back to your natural state of joy, sexual freedom, deep soul healing. A state where you remember your true beauty and access your true gifts.

Since 2016 I have been creating transformational spaces, live, online & internationally. Weaving dualities of the mystical and the worldly, the multidimensional and the 3-dimensional.

My mission is to remind you of your true origins and show you how to dance between the veils. Do you feel the calling to dive deep with me?

Hi, I’m Xena 

Hi, I’m Xena I’m here to awaken your inner priestess & priest/X.
I believe we all have access to our higher wisdom to see and create beauty everywhere we go.

In my work as a priestess I’m devoted to serve the healthy flow of our sexuality into our highest expression of Sacred Love and Sacred Dance. Guiding you back to your natural state of joy, sexual freedom, deep soul healing. A state where you remember your true beauty and access your true gifts.

Since 2016 I have been creating transformational spaces, live, online & internationally. Weaving dualities of the mystical and the worldly, the multidimensional and the 3-dimensional.

My mission is to remind you of your true origins and show you how to dance between the veils. Do you feel the calling to dive deep with me?

As seen in

“Walking the path of
beauty and devotion
is bringing
ancient magic to
modern times”

Do you feel the calling to dive deep with me?

Connect with me

Follow me on Instagram where I share my life in stories:

Contact me here

14 + 15 =

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