Conscious Co-working

Work in deep communion with the spirit of your business

26 JUNE ’23

4 hour sacred co-working session – 26 June  ’23 – Live in Amsterdam or online

Conscious co-working is a collaboration between Heelde and Xena Georgina.

A collective space in which we individually dive into our own projects.

We reserve a part of the day where we meet via Zoom or live in Amsterdam.

Conscious co-working can be used for anything: Think of a spiritual collaboration between you and the spirit of your company, being on fire while writing reports, working on your website, calling clients, reorganizing computer folders, cleaning your kitchen or rearranging your garden. It can also be you feel a need to meditate deeply, relax, be creative, daydream, take a walk, start or sort out jobs that have been waiting for a long time. All while paying attention to your body and what feels in flow with your nervous system.

In short, you spend a day working on something towards which your energy moves  the most.

Hilde/Xena starts with a meditation in which we connect with the field in which we will be working.

From here we get in touch with the spirit of our project, our company or that which requires the most attention. We set our intention and let ourselves be guided by the collective field in which we find ourselves. It could be that something completely different comes out than what you expected. Maybe everything in you says: “I need to sleep, I need to take a bath, I need  to clean the kitchen or go for a walk.” Listen carefully to your inner voice, your inner flow and dare to surrender to it. Then we briefly share our intention with the group in a few minutes.

Then it’s time to get down to what matters most. From the inner connection we just cultivated we follow the flow and we focus on what’s to do on our own projects. Zoom goes on silent, we leave the computer on but without image and sound.

Are you coming to us live? Then bring stuff you want to use during this conscious co-working. We provide tea.

After 1.5 hours we will meet again, live and via Zoom. Zoom goes back to image and sound. We move together briefly (shake, stretch, stretch and dance) and share in a minute what wants to be shared. We dive into another meditation and see if the intention has changed. What does the focus want? Are you continuing to work on your project? Or is something new emerging? Is there still connection to the field? We dive into the depth again from flow. Zoom goes silent again and you get to work.

After 1.5 hours we meet again. We immediately dive into a short meditation. We ask our spirit team what the next step of this project is. Possible intentions for the upcoming time come forward. We thank the field, our helpers and finish quietly. We stay in the energy in which we have worked and will no longer share. From this silent space we say goodbye.

Xena and Hilde and the group she channels (Heelde) provides space holding of the field. You can stay connected with this when you get started with your project. However, you stay with yourself in your own space to focus on that which wants to be manifested.

The meditations are channeled in the moment according to the present needs of the group.

Do you need a conscious co-working session, but the date doesn’t align? Send Hilde or Xena a message to put yourself on the waiting list. As soon as we reach a certain number of people on the list, we will look for a new date that fits.

This journey will help you:

Commune with your business/project in a deeper way

Move into inspired action that feels aligned and in flow

Get things done that matter most

Get new, and sometimes surprising, insights about your business/project and how to move forward

Learn to work from a state of Being, instead of doing

Learn how to channel a to do list from a state of flow instead of pressure

Form a powerful and lasting collaboration with the spirit of your business/project

Use your intuition for your business

This is for you if you want to empower yourself in:

𓍴  Sacred entrepreneurship

𓍴  Working from your soul

𓍴  Accessing your own wisdom to make important decisions about your business

𓍴  Priotizing tasks for your business/project and clients



Tools & Practices we’ll use :

𓆃 Designing Sacred Work Space

𓆃 Connecting with the spirit of your business/project

𓆃 Channeling your sacred tasks

𓆃 Focus and action sessions

𓆃 Guided meditation

𓆃 Embodied movement


26 June ’23

10.30AM – 14.30PM Amsterdam time

Live in Amsterdam or via Zoom**

*Address will be sent upon registration

**Replays are available in case you can’t attend a session live

€ 45  Online + Replay

€ 54  Live in Amsterdam + Replay

€ 45  via Zoom + Replay

€ 54  Live in Amsterdam + Replay

Reserve your spot now:

To reserve your spot please transfer the fee to:

Iban: DE41 1001 1001 2620 1819 91
On the name of KXG Geurts


Dm Xena or Hilde via @xenageorgina, (Instagram) or Hilde Verhoef on FB when you’ve registered and paid.

Who is Xena?

Xena is a modern day tantric ceremonialist on a mission to serve Sacred Love & Sacred Sexuality, in whatever way that wants to be expressed through the unique vessel of every human being.

Super passionate about bringing sacredness back to everything we do, especially our sexuality and intuitive development, as this is such a pivotal part of who we are and operate in this world.

She studied psychology and neuroscience, but her life transformed when she dived into  Shakti Tantra, Egyptian Alchemy, Tantric bodywork, Vipassana meditation, Dance, Feminine Embodiment and the Priest’ess & Shamanic Arts. Since then she’s been on a continuous journey to expand consciousness, explore the depths of life and open her body to its mysteries. Meanwhile she’s held sacred space for hundreds of spiritual souls in their journey back to wholeness, back to their original state of joy, sexual freedom & expansion.

In this work, Xena especially loves to design sacred space, a field where her higher aspects and spiritual team can work through her and hold space for all that needs to come to the surface and heal. For the benefit of all beings!

Who is Hilde?

Hilde walks the path of awakened consciousness, realism and non-duality. She is an experienced spiritual intuitive coach and trauma therapist. She gives readings and trauma therapy in the form of holistic EMDR (healing at soul level). After working for 30 years as a reader and healer, she has built up enormous experience in guiding people.
Hilde works for ‘Heelde”, these are a group of spirit guides, led by a main guide who directs sessions Hilde facilitates, and a guide who surrounds her as she channels. Hilde has been in touch with her guides for as long as she can remember.
Hilde is passionate about empowering people to work from their Soul, breaking through patterns and of cycles of heaviness, shining light on beliefs, but above all making clients feel enthusiastic about the path they are walking. She translates the subtle world into a language that you understand.
Hilde has a background in psychology. She has learnt her techniques from various teachers and developed her own approach – she’s more the down-to-earth
type than Tinker Bell. She doesn’t shy away from confrontation and there is almost no question too wild for her.


Although Hilde mainly lives and works in The Hague (the Netherlands), she travels the world to heal, open gates, balance energies and release souls. For her, spirituality is a way of life. she can often be found in nature, in connection with Spirit. She has been touched by shamanism, women’s work and creativity. She likes to be in silence, together with the subtle world.

You can find out more about her work here.

Contact me here

7 + 9 =

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