Hi Beautiful being

Thank you for being here, and following the call within.

It is my sacred service to initiate, awaken, and activate you into your highest calling and sexual awakening.

The foundation of all my sessions is where I create sacred space, and make sure I can work from a space of purity, surrender and alignment with divinity.

Explore my 1:1 offerings below

1:1 Experience divine love through Sacred Sexuality


Embody yourself through a 1:1 Dance immersion: 


Reclaim  your Body through 1:1 Erotic Embodiment: 


A 1:1 Initiation into the Priest*ess & Shamanic arts


Experience Divine Love through 1:1 Sacred Sexuality

In a Divine Sexuality session I hold space for your divine sexual expression with yourself or your partner.

This is a private session in which you are taken on a journey to your most inner intimate self with or without a partner. The entire session is held in a sacred, safe space in which you feel relaxed, comfortable, and free to express yourself.

Beforehand we’ll discuss desires, boundaries, sexual trauma (if applicable), and which practices we will touch upon as well as what kind of transformation is desired.  I will then introduce the session and prepare our time with a guided meditation. You will be asked to set your intentions and declare your purpose for the session as part of its ceremonial beginnings – a powerful phase during which you are freeing and clearing yourself of negative interference and aligning yourself with the creative process at hand.

I’ll guide you through practices like:

Tantric Massage

Tantric breathwork & deep meditations

Sacred Bodywork/ Dearmoring

Egyptian Tantra

The Sex Magic of Isis (or the Alchemy of Horus if you’re solo)

Pleiadian Tantra

Tantric Rituals

Sexual Reading & Healing

Sexual channeling & transmutation

Conscious Self-pleasure/Touch

Exploring Feminine & Masculine Polarities

Exploring Non-binary consciousness

Tantric Domination

Sacred Couple Practices

One session with me is 3-4 hour. Please allow for sufficient integration time after a session.

All genders, relationship modalities (monogamy & ENM) and sexual orientations are welcome.


Please note that this is NOT an erotic service, although we do work with sexual energy. 

In case of Tantric Massage and Bodywork, please fill out this form beforehand: https://forms.gle/tqQWKo4KhZNoa9pc8

€ 411  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here

€ 1800  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here


 I met Xena by somewhat of a coincidence when I was looking for background information about the different approaches within tantric practices, not knowing yet which style suits me best. Xena really took time to explain her vision and approach. Her mindset during that talk was so open, so respectful and constructive, that I decided to book a session. Already before the start of the actual session, during an exploratory talk about expectations and my/our inner mindset and feelings, I feel in sync with Xena. She’s the kind of tantric practitioner that doesn’t shy away from building a true and soulful connection on an energetic, emotional level. She’s able to break down the emotional barriers I’ve consciously and unconsciously built around myself for years, at the same time she rebuilds my confidence in myself and others. Because of this energetic sync, this connection, I’m okay with being my own vulnerable self around Xena. Despite my shortcomings I feel accepted by Xena, which is a great deal for me. Due to this level of trust I can feel more relaxed then I’ve been for years which results in an inner peace, both physically and emotionally, for weeks after a session. For me tantra is all about connecting, Xena understands that perfectly, as it seems to be her own approach too. She ‘reads’ me, and feels the importance of sharing. Xena is also making me aware how important it is to ‘live in the moment’, noticing feelings and surroundings without overthinking things. Such a mutual energy flow. Needless to say that since our first contact, I feel like a different person. Xena helps me finding pieces of myself I lost along the way, and even other pieces I wasn’t aware were missing. I’m so grateful for Xena’s soulful contact, which I hope can last for a long time still. Thank you, Xena!!”

 Navid Sten

Reclaim your Body through 1:1  Erotic Embodiment

Do you feel a disconnection from your erotic essence or femininity ? 

Erotic embodiment opens the way to reclaim your body in its totality.

Now why is this important, you may ask?

Being in our body helps us to learn from our experiences, to make an impact in the physical world, and grow. When we don’t love our bodies fully, we tend to dissociate, feel disconnected, not be fully present in the here and now, and feel less grounded.

The path of reclaiming our body is one where we start to inhabit our body fully, where we start to radically love ALL of ourselves. And to truly love all of our being, it is important we can fully embrace and love the vehicle we operate in here on this planet. By developing a sacred connection with our body where we truly learn to love and respect our body, our body starts to work FOR us instead of against us.

In a session we dive fully into our senses, awaken our body to our innate eroticism and sensuality, and ‘unstuck’ ourselves from the parts where life force energy isn’t flowing. So our natural essence can shine through every cell of our body

These sessions can help you feel:

Liberated in your erotic sensual expression, sexuality or in the interaction with (potential) lovers. You pave the way for a more fulfilling and intimate relationship with yourself and others.

More pleasure, freedom and joy in your life

More present in the here and now

Safe and comfortable in your body and erotic expression. Gone with the body-shame !

In love with yourself

Grounded and nourished

In a session I will guide you through practices that help you love your body more, release shame and conditioning, & open you up to pleasure. Depending on the needs of your current state of being, I will use various tools ranging from deep meditations, cycle awareness in case you are a female-bodied person, sensual movement, dance, tantra, tantric breathwork, self-massage and even guided self-pleasure (if that is what you feel more called to).

To be able to guide your process in the best way possible, please notify me of any (sexual) abuse that may have happened prior to this session. Sometimes a longer journey may be necessary for you to fully reestablish the sacred connection with your body and reclaim all its parts. For this, please check out the bigger packages options below.


One session with me is 1 hour. Please allow for sufficient integration time after a session.

€ 411  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here

€225  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here


Xena and I met through a mutual acquintance. She immediately inspired me to dive deeper into my personality and to unblossom aspects of my persona not yet unlocked. Xena is a very warm and caring person, who deeply connects with the people she engages with. Also, she is a very open-minded person, who talks with people without bias or judgment. That helps fully opening up. Furthermore, Xena is the embodiment of the divine feminine. All that put together really enables her to dive deep with her clients and to truly empower her clients with her wisdom, which she has in abundance. I look on my sessions with Xena with feelings of warmness and kindness. Thank you so very much, Xena!”


Jan Spanjaard

Dive into the Mystery through a 1:1 Initiation into the  Priest*ess & Shamanic arts

Are you longing to awaken your intuitive powers, to reclaim your spiritual heritage and truly understand what are your soul gifts to serve the world?

In this session I guide you into stepping into your Priest*ess power by a deep initiatory process into the mediumistic and shamanic arts through reconnecting you with your priest*ess lineage. We’ll cleanse & release all that does not serve you anymore on deep cellular levels, we’ll work on your limiting beliefs and I ‘ll introduce you to tools to ground & spiritually protect yourself. This will help you filter out what is not in alignment with your own unique signature frequency and serve from a pure aligned space.

The tools and practices we’ll work with:


Psychic protection

Empath mastery

Energy work

Creating sacred space

Light language

Activating your Priest*ess lineage

Ancestral work

Reading & healing

Soul alignment

Learning how to channel

Starseed activations

Shamanic tools

Aligning with your Spiritual Business

One session with me is 1 hour.

Please allow for sufficient integration time for after the session.

€225  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here

€ 411  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here


“Xena really helped me with transformation and I notice that this creates a ripple effect around me. So many beautiful processes were initiated. I notice it in the people around me. That they pick this up too and beautiful things are happening to them. Literally life changing. I became so much more intuitive, clairvoyant. I sometimes feel like a walking channel when I open myself, and this helps others open too. Beautiful to see that.
…I can enjoy discomfort & confrontation now, which indicates accelerated growth opportunities for me.  “


Jennifer Odum

Embody yourself through a 1:1 Dance immersion

Do you want to improve your dance skills or dance expression?

In a private dance immersion I will help you with not just techniques, but also reconnect with your innermost feeling, expression and passion through dance. You can choose to learn one of the following dance practices:

Brazilian Zouk

Sufi Whirling

Tantric Partner Dance

Sacred Lapdance


Dance channeling

This session is for you if you want to feel more comfortable with yourself in dance, as well as increase empathic awareness and experience more unity with the music and your potential dance partner.

Techniques and practices I use for a Private Dance session (amongst others):

Conscious touch & stepping

Body movements






Emotional work

Tantric principles

Following & Leading techniques

Channeling your essence through dance

How the session goes depends on your current state of being in that moment, so the practices & techniques can vary. Of course we can align beforehand whether you like to focus more on technique or on going deeper within yourself.

One dance session with me lasts 3 hours.

€ 411  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here

€225  Per session

Online or Live
* Bigger packages are also possible, see here


“Comment I got from a girl yesterday after a very long dance:
“That was the best dance we’ve ever had. I don’t know what changed.. Before it would be I couldn’t relax after you made one painful mistake, but this time I could just let go. I felt so safe and felt you were always there, I just danced what my eyes closed the entire time.”
This is thanks to you guys and your purity and honesty. Thank you so much!


Nathan Bosma

Do you long to transform yourself on deeper levels?

You can work with me in longer containers, where you choose a package of sessions that fits your needs:

3 sessions: 3%discount
5 sessions: 5% discount
10 sessions: 10% discount
15 sessions: 15% discount

I’m also available for FMTY (“Fly Me To You”) and private retreat (1-day to 7-day) arrangements. Dm me to discuss those options.

Payment plans:
Two payments – add 5% to payments
Three payments – add 7% to payments

Referral discounts:
Get 10% discount* on all my sessions when a friend booked via your recommendation.

Discounts are not accumulative.

Contact me here

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